The week of the HIGH BG's!!! And here's why.....
If you read my last post you figured out I'm a moron. Well, I'm a moron times two!! Can you believe I did it again??? This time it was lunch, not breakfast. Same scenario.....exact same. UGH!! (It's the 436 in the pic collage!!)

Cinnabon.....ever try a Cinnabon cinnamon roll!!?? WOW!! Talk about melt in your mouth!! Well, this week we had the sweetest lady on earth come to our home to show us how to make them. They were scrumptious. I tried to dose J.J. for the first one. Thought I did pretty well. I mean he came down O.K....but he was low when he ate it, and he played in the snow. So....who knows?? Well, the second one he had the next morning. I decided to check calorieking.....it said a large Cinnabon has 117 carbs!!!! OH MY!! This time I dosed more....about 20 grams more.
I didn't do to well......he was 391 three hours later.....but who knows.....because......

.....now he is sick. The first REAL sickness we've had since diagnosis. He slept on the couch or watched movies most of the day. His BG hasn't seen the 100's since the morning. I've tried to keep him drinking fluids.....ketones negative. But it's incredible how HIGH he is. Hubby is out of town so I get the full 24 hour shift....tired is an understatement!!
But I'll end with a bright spot....a few pictures of snow play!!:)

J.J. loves to eat snow!! Don't ask me why....he will stop every few feet just to eat more snow! I wonder if there could be carbs in snow....are we sure it's just pure water??:)

Here he is searching for large blocks of snow to add to his fort....you can kind of see it in the background!

Sitting all pretty with a neighbor girl.....ready for the pony pull!!

Being pulled by the pony!!
Yummy!!! Those Cinnabuns look delicious :)
Sorry to hear JJ isn't feeling well. We had the virus go through our whole house! I still have the sinus crap from it.
Those pics of the snow look fun! We didn't get the snow they talked about us getting...not even a dusting...haha!
***puts your SuperMom cape on you*** Good luck with hubby being out of town! (((HUGS)))
Hey Babe...thanks for all you do for the kids!! I hope the night wasn't too bad. I can't imagine life without you.
I love you!!!
Mmm. cinnabons. Isn't it nice to give a bolus that works out for treats like that?!
Sorry to hear that JJ isn't feeling well. Diabetes+illness=a big b.g. mess
JJ's mouth after eating snow looks like Dixie every time she comes in the house after being outside. :-)
Mmmmmm, Cinnabun....
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