I don't know why, but the title of this blog makes me laugh!! Like really laugh.
I suppose this being our first real sickness with blood sugars gone wild I may not understand that term.....management. I mean what is there to "manage"? It's like....how would I "manage" a horse that decides to take off running at full speed down a state park trail? (O.K...that seriously happened to me!!!) J.J.'s blood glucose numbers have been like that horse.....I felt like I could do nothing but watch them go.....go.....UP and UP and UP!!
So here is a glimpse into the last couple of days...
high, correct, even higher, correct, high, correct, SKY HIGH, correct
NORMAL....(phew maybe we're coming out of it)...
SUPER DUPER SKY HIGH, (guess we're not), correct, high, correct....You get the gist.
Set basals at 120%....not working....let's try 150%...NOPE....let's go for it....200%!!!
Oh, and check ketones....and check ketones again and again and again.
Then after days of MASSIVE amounts of insulin with very little movement I patiently wait......
CORRECT....(the other way this time)......15 minutes later.....
97....(alrighty then....he's coming up)....hour later.....
CORRECT....(Am I going to be doing this ALL NIGHT????)
Who knows!!!???
Before diabetes I'd call this particular "illness" a blip on the screen. In my other kids I wouldn't even notice it much. But not with J.J......nope.....through blood glucose numbers I am getting a glimpse into how hard his body fights off even the simplest of viruses. It's a chest cold....that's it. The crud!!!
We've "MANAGED" though....HA!!! Managed!!
Exactly! Amazing (and scary!) to watch what the body is going through! Hope you are all feeling better quickly!
Yikes! Sounds like the viruscrudcrap is going through all of our kids at the same time! Poor JJ :( just a simple sniffle throws their entire body out of whack and nearly sends us mothers to the looney bin! LOL! I hope he's feeling better soon :)
Hey mom! You got an award!!!! Go over to my blog for the rules!!!!
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