Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Toys for Tots 2008......

Tosy for Tots Banner....

As I was saying in my last post, I wanted to give back to Toys for Tots for what they had done for my son while he was in the hospital. I wanted to do something special on his diagnosiversary so I asked Hubby how much giving money he had set aside and asked if we could use it for Toys for Tots this year. I told him my plan and he was all for it.

Target Gift Cards

Hubby went to Target and bought 5 gift cards. One for each of the kids. I then told the kids that J.J.'s diagnosiversary would be a special and fun day.....but I didn't give them any details. The suspense was driving them crazy!! Hee hee!!

Monday morning I asked each of them to pick out a gift card. When they saw the amount their eyes lit up.


I didn't leave 'em hangin' too long before I told them the plan. We would go to Target and each of them would grab a cart and fill their cart with toys to give to Toys for Tots. I explained about the organization and how they give to kids less fortunate and/or kids that were like hospitals. I reminded them of J.J.'s Santa story. They were all for it.

It was crazy grabbing 5 carts and watching them all try to find items to give away. They had so much fun.

All in a line....

J.J. did say a couple of times...."I want a toy for me." I gently reminded him the reason why we were GIVING. He's five....he didn't quite understand....but teaching children that it's more "blessed to give than to receive" has to start somewhere!!:-)

j.j. reallly likes this toy!

O.K....a little too much fun...

Allison purchasing her goodies...

We checked out and headed to Kare11 News to drop off our toys. It was a place that had a drop off tent and I knew Marines were stationed there to help. We could have dropped off the toys at a box in a local grocery store, but I knew my kids wouldn't "get" that. They needed something "more" to understand. When we drove up to the tent though I hear, "Is this it?". A little anti-climatic for sure, but a little more than just a box in a store.

Ah....nice marine!!

Getting gifts out of the trunk

A photo-op in the tent....

On the way home there were comments such as "I wish I could see the person who gets such 'n such. That would be so cool." I know the neatest part of giving is seeing the person you're giving to receive the gift, but I told them to think of J.J.. Think about his reaction and they can imagine that girl or boy getting their gift. I also told them that someday they could be the person who delivers "gifts" to people that really need them. Who knows what God has in store for them?

You know, before last year I really didn't understand how one toy could make any difference. It can....... and it did.

Just one of the items....


Anonymous said...

How wonderful and what a great lesson for the kids. I know that J J remembers the playdoh and Santa because he brought it up with me when we were in Minnesota in November. Yesterday on the news here they showed Santa visiting Children's Hospital and handing out gifts. How heartwarming to see the kids eyes light up.

All 4 My Gals said...

No way, do you have four girls...... like me...... and one boy......unlike me? :-) What a beautiful family!

viagra no prescription said...

What a beautiful experience and the best that everyone was more than happy than ever and you must be very blessed, thank you for making this kind of things with these children who deserve all!

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