Saturday, February 2, 2008

Yay!!!....but still be praying...

We've been in a quandary about what to do about babysitting. That's something we haven't had to think about since Jess has been our live-in babysitter for a few years, and family has been able to watch him so Jason and I can go on trips. All that has changed.... J.J. has to have someone who knows how to care for him. Since the diagnosis either Jason or I have given up events or social engagements to care for J.J., but we know there will come a time....there has to come a time....for our marriage's sake.....when Jason and I go somewhere together!!

Jason bought concert tickets for me for Christmas....before we knew about J.J.'s condition. The concert is next week. We just didn't know what we were going to do. Our neighbor, who's a nurse, is busy that night. We think we found someone that can do it for us. A family at church who's daughter was diagnosed at 3, and is now 16 is available and it's officially set up. We'll take J.J. and one or two of the girls to their house while we are at the concert.

That's all fine and dandy but one problem.....J.J.....he is freaked out!! He takes a long time to warm up to people, and he doesn't really know this family. When he gets upset his numbers bounce all over the place....sometimes high...sometimes low....usually low, though. I'm just not sure if it will work.

So..... please pray for next Friday. We'll go really early and try to get him to play with their 5 year old girl to hopefully get him comfortable enough to not get super freaked out. I will have a hard time leaving him if he gets really worked up.


Lynnea said...
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Lisa said...

I hope that you have a good time at the concert tonight and that J.J. does ok with your friends. My daughter who is 4 was diagnosed last April and we still haven't found anyone that can take care of her while we are out. I am very lucky that my Mom and Dad (they live about 4 hours away in Alabama) came over to Atlanta and took a class at the children's hospital specifically for caregivers of children with diabetes. My Mom has often come all the way over here when I have an appointment or my husband and I have someplace that we have to go to together. We have a few teenagers at church that have Type 1 and I am hoping to recruit one of them as a regular babysitter.

BTW...welcome to the DOC. It has been an absolute saviour to me. I don't know what I would have done without all of the support here. Please feel free to e-mail me directly if I can help you in any way.

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